All of her input is dumb, and makes it painfully obvious that she has no idea what she's talking about. Most of them are discussing studies they found relating psychology to \m/ METAL \m/, so you'd think she'd make some mention of her work at fucking Yale, or at the very least show some degree of expertise in the topic, but nah. >515688 These were all recorded in 2015, while she was supposedly at Yale studying psychology, after a year at UCLA (and four in astrophysics at Stanford, kek). I wish one of her neckbeard orbiters would ask her about this stuff. She thinks she's a genius, but it's so easy to poke holes in her stories. I'm just in shock that she actually makes these claims in the first place. And she was supposedly studying astrophysics at Stanford while studying psychology at UCLA, and then Yale across the country? And pretending she actually did all that, why would she go back to bumfuck Guelph afterward just to do shitty tattoos out of a shitty shack? I know no one here really believes this shit, so no one needs me to debunk it.

She never mentioned living in California or Connecticut. Vicky has been on the Internet since well before 2011, and hasn't missed a single opportunity since then to brag about every mundane thing in her life-"I'm sooo sore from the gym!" "Someone said I look young!" "I can swing my sword so fast!" "I'm a real-life Final Fantasy character!" "I'm just one of the boys!" But we've never heard her say she's studying, going to class, taking exams, writing papers, much less graduating after seven years of fucking astrophysics or being accepted at Yale.

>514389 This is such an audacious fucking lie. What's next, you heard there was a fire and you spat in the general direction you thought that province was in and your newest linkedin experience listing will say "volunteer firefighter, directly participatedddd in battling and destroyinggg a fire, I saved countless livesss, the fire department offered me a job but I was too busy running a charity dojo teaching sword skills to the burned children of the cityyyy" Victoria, get a fucking grip. Lying about studying astrophysics at Stanford is an amusing sort of pathetic but advertising yourself as having done "humanitarian aid and disaster relief" when you really inserted yourself into a tragedy to attempt self promotion is disgusting. You say discount and I'm sure that was her scam, that the "disaster relief" she provided would be scarring people's flesh with blown out, scratched in fan art of her own face, then to top it all off she'd still make them pay for it. Image sources: Facebook: Personal FB: Instagram: Īre you serious? These people lost their homes in a fire so what they obviously need is to have their bodies permanently mutilated too. All use of images constitutes copyright fair use, e.g. >30 year old tattoo scratcher who works out of her apartment, blames clients for poor aftercare when her inability to tattoo properly scars people's bodies >Former myspace scene queen with a very poor grasp of Photoshop and After Effects >Narcissistic attention whore who describes herself as a 'real life Final Fantasy character' >Can't talk about herself without making claims so outlandish only a total idiot would believe them >Claims to be well-versed in psychology, astronomy, quantum physics to name a few fields of study (despite never enrolling in post secondary education and/or never involving herself in groups dedicated to those fields) >Posts videos of herself flailing around with a dollar-store katana because she is a 'sword fighter' >(Poorly) fakes a British accent >Known on Lolcow for selfposting hundreds of times in her own thread, pretending to be people who know her irl >Tried to DMCA lolcow and kiwi, claimed the Attorney General of Canada had to be involved All images property of Victoria Shingleton. She is also relentlessly battling bullying by telling people to kill themselves, that she wishes she could beat them up and being condescending any chance she gets. Her fan base has dwindled down to a handful of alt right neckbeards which she is desperately pandering to with some new edgelord personality. She has also been doxxing and harassing random women, insisting they have been stalking her for years, are copying her and/or are mad that their boyfriends are hitting on her because she just can not cope with the fact that a multitude of people are laughing at her.

This has resulted in a slew of angry outbursts and outlandish claims, which are usually followed by posts about how totally unbothered she is. Last Thread : >485956 The lack of work and social life, as well as being painfully single has left Vicky with nothing to do but spend all her time on social media and lolcow while drinking alone and taking photos with self timer which are marked as "Frankie photography".